11 mar 2013

.A simple day.

Today could be a simple day, a normal one, but turns out that today is my birthday. It's a good day even if it's normal o simple.

I have this feeling in my guts, like something is missing.. a hole, an enormous emptiness .... could be that or... maybe is just the reaction of the coffee I drank earlier (happens to me before!). So, I trying to ignore that feeling.

Then I came home and read clementine's blog, and the feeling inside me grow strong. It's a nice blog, great simple words I must say. I miss to write like that. I felt nostalgic for those days. I feel the emptiness again.

Even though, I don't feel sad at all,  just incomplete and full of words attempting to go out. Anyway. Today is a good day.

Not because it's my birhtday, it's just a good day because I have the chance to be here and I'm full of posibilities.

Haven't I?.